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- Tf2 Spy Auto Backstab Hack Codes
- Tf2 Spy Auto Backstab Hack Tool
- Tf2 Spy Auto Backstab Hack Free
May 20, 2019 Elitepvpers Shooter Team Fortress 2: Tamil songs free download high quality. Spy auto backstab. Spy auto backstab. Lin2 Exploits, Hacks, Bots, Tools & Macros. Tf2 Spy Gameplay; Document your code. Stb erom upgrade wrong file software. Every project on GitHub comes with a version-controlled wiki to give your documentation the high level of. .Posted by Cabercharger. How Do I Apply Scripts To Tf2? It can be a little confusing at times but what you generally want to do is go into your tf folder, then cfg, then make a text document called spy.txt, paste the green code found above into that text document and then save, and change it into a.cfg file. Lastly, the Auto Backstab, which is used with the Spy, as the name of this feature says, it will automatically stab the nearest target when holding your knife. This TF2 hack is internal, meaning you will have to inject it with an injector.
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- Master Aimbot Switch
- Aimkey
Can also be used in Reverse or toggle modes - Autoshoot
- Auto-Head Auto-Closest and Static Hitbox modes
- Aimbot FOV
- Draw Aimbot FOV
- Smart Fov Distance Health Priority modes
- Wait for sniper rifle charge
- Projectile Aimbot
Target Preferences
- Aim Sentry
- Aim Other building
- Aim Sticky
- Aim Teammates
- Ignore Cloaked
- Ignore Vaccinator
- Ignore Taunting
- Ignore Hoovy
Aimbot Preferences
- Silent Aimbot
- Target Lock
- Zoom only
- Max Distance
- Slow Aim
- Main Triggerbot Switch
- Triggerkey
Can also be used in Reverse or toggle modes - Auto-Head Head and Body Hitbox modes
- Zoom only
- Max Distance
- Wait for sniper rifle charge
Trigger Preferences
- Trigger Sentry
- Trigger Other building
- Trigger Sticky
- Trigger Teammates
- Ignore Cloaked
- Ignore Vaccinator
- Ignore Taunting
- Ignore Hoovy
- Auto-Reflect Switch
- Legit Auto-Reflect
Doesn't aim, only reflects what you can see. - Dodgeball Mode
Disables vis check and if reflected check. - Reflect Stickys
- Only while idle
- Auto-Sticky Switch
- Detonate Buildings
- Legit Auto-StickyOnly detonates stickys that you can see
- Auto-Vaccinator Switch
- Default Resistance
- Reset timer
- Check bullet danger
- Check blast danger
- Check fire danger
- Pop if sniper
- Pop blast if rocket will kill
- Pop blast if crit rocket is near
- Rocket danger range
- Pop if pyro is near
- Anti-Afterburn
- Pyro danger range
- Pop bullet if user >=
- Pop blast if user >=
- Pop fire if user >=
Misc Trigger
- Auto-Backstab
- Esp Switch
- Esp Teammates Switch
- Esp Local Player
- Box Switch
- Box Corners Switch
- Invisible Box switch
- Vis Check switch
- Name Esp
- Class Esp
- Health Number/Bar
- Ubercharge Esp
- Distance Esp
- Conditions Esp
- Weapon Name Esp
- Building Esp
- Legit mode to hide esp on invisible spies
- Tank Esp
- Red Money Esp
- Powerup Esp
- Weapon Spawner Esp
Item Esp
- Item Esp Switch
- Health Packs
- Ammo Packs
- Dropped Weapons
- MvM Money
- Red MvM Money
- Powerups
- Adrenaline
Projectile Esp
- Projectile ESP Switch
- Only enemy projectile switch
- Choice for all projectiles with individual setting for off, crit, or all
Tf2 Spy Gameplay
- Radar Switch
- Healthbars
- Show enemies on top
- Health and Ammo pack switch
- Teammates Switch
![Tf2 Spy Auto Backstab Hack Tf2 Spy Auto Backstab Hack](https://i.imgur.com/C2485CV.jpg)
- Chams switch
- Color by health switch
- Flat Switch
- Players
- Buildings
- Teammate Buildings
- Weapons
- Teammates
- Health and Ammo packs
- Stickys
- Glow switch
- Color by health switch
- Solid when, Never, Invisible, or Always
- Players
- Buildings
- Teammate Buildings
- Weapons
- Teammates
- Health and Ammo packs
- Stickys
- Powerups
- Third person
- Sv_pure Bypass
- Remove Spy Disguise
- No Arms
- No Hats
- Fov Override
- Fov Override while zoomed
- Disable Scope
- Render player model while zoomed
- Real third person angles
- Clean Screenshots
- Freetype font
- Anti-Aim Switch
- Yaw Mode, Keep, Static, Jitter, BigRandom, Random, Spin, Offset Keep, Edge, and HeckStatic uses static setting
- Pitch Mode, Keep, Static, Jitter, Random, Flip, Fake Flip, Fake Up, Fake Down, Fake Center, Up, Down, and HeckStatic uses static setting
- Static Yaw, Pitch, and Roll settings
- Spin Speed
- Dont clamp angles switch
- Angle Resolver
If player is looking directly up or down, or switches it to the opposite angle to compensate for potentially fake angles.
Spy Auto Pictures
- Anti-Anti-Anti-Aim Switch
- Swap Interval
- Interval Floor ceiling
- (Fake)Up or (Fake)Down mode
- Flip key
Crit Hack
- Melee Crithack
- Show Crit info
- Nest Crit info
- Disable random crits
- Crit Key
- Unstable Crit key
- Chat Spam
Option to choose from, Disabled, Default, Lenny Faces, Blanks, Nullcore, Lithium, Lmaobox, and Custom - Kill say
Option to choose from, Disabled, Default, Nullcore - Offensive, Nullcore - MLG, and Custom - Chat spam and Kill say spam from file
- Tournament Name Spam
- Prefix Newlines
- Encrypted Chat for cathook users
Ubercharge Spam
- Ubercharge Spam
Option to choose from, Disabled, Cathook, Nullcore, and Custom - Option for what interval to spam ubercharge amount
- Uber Ready
- Uber Used
- Uber Ended
- Uber Team Chat
- Custom Uber Spam from file
- Anti-Cheat Switch
- Detect Aimbot with switch
- Detect Anti-Aim
- Detect Bhop
- Detect RemoveCond with switch
- Accuse in server chat
- Detections until warn
- Aimbot angle
- RemoveCond Timer
- Bhop Detections
- Main Cathook Switch
- Bunnyhop
- Infinite Noisemaker spam
- No-Push
- Anti-Afk
- Airstuck
- Tf2 Tauntslide
- Roll Speedhack
- Tf2c Tauntslide
- Tf2c Minigun Jump
- Force name
- Force Disconnect reason
- Fake lag
Remove Conditions
- Remove Conditions Switch
- Remove Conditions Key
- Remove Fire
- Remove Bleeding
- Remove Stun
- Remove Taunting
- Instant Decloak
- Instant Re-Zoom
- Instant Weapon Switch
- Heal Huntsman Arrows
Spy Alert
- Spy Alert Switch
- Sound Alerts
- Alert Interval setting
- Distance settings
- Anti-Backstab Switch
- Voice Command for no when triggered
- Silent
- Distance Setting
- Detection angle setting
- Breadcrumb Followbot
- Weapon slot mimicking
- Auto-Zoom, Auto-Spinup Features
- Draw breadcrumbs
Meme Features
Emoji Esp
Tf2 Spy Auto Backstab Hack Codes
- Emoji Esp Switch
- Emoji Esp Scaling Switch
- Emoji min and size scale
Tf2 Spy Auto Backstab Hack Tool
Fidget Spinner
- Fidget Spinner Switch
- Size and Speed settings